The well- being of communities rely on education, support, sanitation and most importantly the ability to have a meal everyday, This isn’t an easy task to do in every house hold, Sizanani Charity has not only continuously supported communities in Durban, but after our recent second remote team in Johannessburg we have tried to make our mark on the Johannesburg community. Our goal is to help as many communities as we can in every project that we take on while helping corporations and medium-big organisation to see the importance while contributing towards the betterment of the country.

There are more than one reason to contribute and make a difference to a child’s life:

· enhancing a child’s active learning capacity;

· alleviating hunger;

· providing an incentive to attend school

· creates a sense of punctually

· addressing and aiding in certain nutrient deficiencies.

It doesn’t take millions to help, it takes people working together to see the importance of helping each other grow.


“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” – John Holmes

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